It has been estimated that migraines afflict more than 30 million patients in US alone. Ladies are affected up to three times more than males. There are many factors, which can trigger the migraine. These include, inadequate sleep, certain food types and stress. How do you know if you are suffering from a headache, or you are in a migraine attack?

migraine relief

There are many symptoms, which indicate the migraine start, and that precede other symptoms. One such indicator is the aura, that starts about 15 minutes before the headache onset. It is a condition which causes visual disturbances. While it occurs prior to the headache start, it may continue for all the duration. This visual disturbance include seeing wavy lines, dots and flashing lights. There is a tendency to have unclear flashing spots.

Patients may experience other emotional and physical symptoms. Physical migraine symptoms include constipation, diarrhea, increased urination, fatigue, appetite lack and dizziness. The emotional symptoms are irritability and depression. Not all patients will experience the same symptoms. Patients have a sense which they are losing conscious and feel lightheaded. This may lead to fear and anxiety.

One the migraine begins, there are other additional symptoms. The headache is confined to one head side, it is characterized by the throbbing. Patients may then go on to experience vomiting and nausea. Research has shown that this can result in part, because of the gastric stasis. This is a gastric activity slowing down.

Alongside this is abnormal light sensitivity ( photophobia ) which makes the patients unable to tolerate any light sort. The headache will become more acute, if they are exposed to light at all.

Sound sensitivity is also common migraine symptoms. To the migraine sufferers, sounds are magnified beyond measure and seem decibels higher than it really is. All these migraine symptoms may prevent the patient from doing his / her activity. The headache may last for up to three days. During this time, you can relief your migraine headache by staying in a dark room or taking a medication.

There are some other symptoms, which persist after the headache which called " migraine hangover". These may include difficulty concentrating, fatigue, irritability, mood changes.

Migraine Symptoms